Presentation and history

Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT was set up in 2007 on the initiative of Fondazione CRT, as a mission-related investment, the recipient of Fondazione CRT’s grant assets, used for social impact investments with a view to capital turnover.

In its 15 years of existence, Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT has dedicated significant resources to social real estate funds and to funds investing in companies with social aims. The aim is to improve the range of services offered and to foster the growth of a social entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing adequate resources, but also by stimulating the entrepreneurial spirit, using patient capital. A gradual accompaniment that aims at the capacity to sustain itself and evolve towards a fair and sustainable business model.

Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT

It focuses on the development and growth of the local Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta territory.

It focuses on philanthropy and economic activities, with particular attention to sustainable and innovative development, and proposes financial models that create social added value.

It plays a key role in creating initiatives related to megatrends with potential impact on the regional ecosystem, from the economy to less privileged citizens.

It transfers skills, develops new content and networks, increases the sustainability of projects and promotes technological and social innovation.

The key elements are the relationship with stakeholders, the assessment of the initial investment and during project development, social and economic sustainability, in the logic of impact first and the blending of profit and non-profit.

Crowdfunding campaign success rate


Investments in Social Real Estate

80 million euros

Investment in high social impact solutions

1 million euros

Organi istituzionali

Consiglio di amministrazione


Cristina Giovando

Vice Presidenti

Anna Maria Di Mascio
Maria Luisa Coppa


Luca Angelantoni
Davide Canavesio
Maurizio Irrera
Gianni Maria Stornello

Collegio dei revisori legali dei Conti


Alessandro Forte

Revisori effettivi

Chiara Francesca Ferrero
Fabio Margara

Revisori supplenti

Roberto Bianco
Piera Braja

Segretario generale

Massimo Lapucci

What is
impact investing?

  1. Social impact investments are made in companies, organisations and funds with the intention of generating both social and environmental impact with an economic return on investment and concretely supporting solutions to the most pressing challenges by addressing unmet social needs. The social sector needs models of innovation and entrepreneurship to find new solutions for the delivery of existing services and to develop new solutions of common interest.
  2. A hallmark of impact investing is the investor’s commitment to measure and report on social and environmental performance, which contributes to transparency. The aim is to use economic resources and private expertise to promote market solutions to social needs that are not addressed by the state or the market.
  3. Impact investing successfully combines a number of key factors: capital, entrepreneurship, both management and financial expertise, a focus on results and partnership between investors and entrepreneurs.
  4. Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT invests through financial instruments that positively combine the different aspects of impact investing to increase social benefits for the people of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta.

Our model

The social value of the Foundation’s work lies not only in planning investments in the area, but also in following up the growth of these investments and monitoring the development of policies.

Relationships between decision-makers, intervention providers and beneficiaries are fundamental in order to have a comprehensive and generative vision of higher-performing actions, both in terms of resource allocation and results, without neglecting the possibility of professional and human development for all those involved, starting with the Foundation itself, which draws its inspiration from its direct relationship with the actors with whom it works.

Main institutional investments


Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT is active in the main international networks of philanthropy and collaborates with a broad national and international network of social impact funding actors.

Partnerships and collaborations

Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT collaborates with several national and international actors on specific social impact projects.

La Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT si propone di collaborare allo sviluppo e alla crescita del territorio del Piemonte e della Valle d’Aosta affiancando le modalità tradizionali della Fondazione CRT con interventi che prevedono l’utilizzo di strumenti tipici del mercato finanziario, preferibilmente Fondi immobiliari e/o mobiliari e, in funzione della tipologia di intervento, titoli obbligazionari e partecipazioni azionarie in società dedicate. La Fondazione si prefigge lo scopo di promuovere le azioni tese a liberare le potenzialità del sistema socio-economico, nella prospettiva di favorire la capacità di competere nello scenario globale, attraverso la promozione del trasferimento tecnologico alle imprese ed il rafforzamento delle produzioni e dei servizi che presentino peculiarità riconoscibili nel territorio favorendo la capacità di creare sistemi.

La Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT interviene prevalentemente attraverso veicoli finanziari finalizzati, quali fondi di investimento e società dedicate. Nel determinare questa scelta concorrono vari fattori, tra i quali non va trascurato il fatto di voler chiaramente sancire il carattere professionale con il quale sono approcciati gli interventi e scoraggiare presso gli interlocutori la percezione che iniziative di impact investing riflettano standard più indulgenti, nei modi, nelle forme, e nel merito, di quanto normalmente adottato in relazione a scelte di investimento. La Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita – CRT dispone a oggi di un “portafoglio” di veicoli di investimento tra i più diversificati, spaziando dal campo immobiliare a quello del seed e del venture capital finalizzato allo sviluppo del territorio. La Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT per la propria attività si avvale anche dell’esperienza del personale e delle strutture della Fondazione CRT. Il personale svolge un ruolo fondamentale nell’indirizzare le autorità locali e le organizzazioni che richiedono un finanziamento a ricorrere, laddove appropriato, alle strategie e agli strumenti di impact investing